Tham khảo Alfonso_el_Sabio

  • Acheson, Dean (1969), Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W. W. Norton
  • Ballesteros-Beretta, Antonio (1963), Alfonso X el Sabio, Barcelona: Salvat
  • Burns, Robert I. (1990), “Stupor Mundi: Alfonso X of Castile, the Learned”, trong Burns, Robert I. (biên tập), Emperor of Culture: Alfonso X the Learned of Castile and His Thirteenth-Century Renaissance, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, tr. 1–13
  • Carroll, James (2002), Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews, Boston: Houghton-Mifflin
  • Demontis, Luca (2012), Alfonso X e l'Italia: rapporti politici e linguaggi del potere, Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso
  • Gingerich, Owen (1990), “Alfonso the Tenth as a Patron of Astronomy”, trong Márquez-Villanueva, Francisco; Vega, Carlos Alberto (biên tập), Alfonso X of Castile: The Learned King (1221-1284): An International Symposium, Harvard University, ngày 17 tháng 11 năm 1984, Cambridge, Mass.: Department of Romance Languages and Literatures of Harvard University, tr. 30–45, reprint in Owen Gingerich, The Eye of Heaven: Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler (New York: American Institute of Physics, 1993)
  • Hamilton, Thomas Wm. (1975), A King for the Stars (planetarium show)
  • Márquez, Francisco (1995), “Vita: Alfonso X”, Harvard Magazine, Jan.-Feb.: 54
  • Nicholas, David (1999), The Transformation of Europe 1300–1600, London: Arnold
  • Soriano Viguera, José (1926), Contribución al conocimiento de los trabajos astronómicos desarrollados en la Escuela de Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid: Alberto Fontana
  • Valdeón Baruque, Julio (2003), Alfonso X: La forja de la España moderna, Madrid: Ediciones Temas de Hoy, ISBN 84-8460-277-X
  • Wacks, David A. (2007), Framing Iberia: Maqamat and Frametales in Medieval Spain, Leiden: Brill